Monday, March 28, 2011

starcraft 2

lately iv been playing a lot of custom games i really like the ship battle one. Star Battle is a 6 v 6 custom map where you select a powerful ship and fight against an opposing team of capital ships and smaller ships. The objective of the game is to destroy the enemy's mother ship. but when I'm felling nostalgic i love playing the Bunker Wars and the Special Forces games. I use to play these hours on end when the original starcraft came out. Bunker Wars is a custom game where you get units at a certain rate you get points for killing other peoples units and for holding the middle .you can use the points to upgrade your units or the rate you get them. to win you must destroy all the other peoples Bunkers. Special Forces you are dropped in a zerg stronghold with one unit you get points for killing zerg you can upgrade your units armor guns shields you win by killing all zerg.  


  1. i love starbattle. upgrade engines then mana and the big cannon. cant remember names right now haha

  2. dude, you should go back to the original game, and get mad nostalgia. Nothing beats going back to play a little AOE2

  3. That star battle map is pretty good. I like it too.

  4. I want to play this game so bad. I've lost months of my life to the original.

  5. I want to play this game so bad. I've lost months of my life to the original.

  6. awesome.

    we must construct additional pylons :3

  7. I don't think SC2 could live up to WC3's amazing custom games. At least not until a decade has passed.

  8. I still need to get SC2. Been playing SC1 on and off for so long... it's time to upgrade.

  9. yep I need to get starcraft 2 also, still been playing sc1

  10. good post! thanks :) SC2 is my game!!!!

  11. Custom games are what make SC great (at least imo).

  12. starbattle is a great game can't wait for your next update!

  13. I've been meaning to check out starcraft 2. How does it compare to the first one?

  14. There were some modders who were making a custom game where it was like dota. I forgot the name of it, oh damn.

  15. Star Battle is the shit! I'm obsessed with Desert Strike
